Saturday, March 21, 2009

Be Hope To Her (B H2o+)

Be Hope to Her is a Nuru sponsored event that will cover several campuses across the country. College girls who sign up for the event will carry buckets on their head to a water source and then fill their bucket and carry it back, on their head, to where they started. For example, at WVU the girls will carry their buckets from the Mountainlair (student center) all the way down to the Mon River and back up a steep incline. The college boys, who will not be carrying water, will be alongside the route to give information to the onlookers of the event.

The purpose of the event is to raise awareness on the subject of water. Water, for everyone is necessary to sustain life, whether you live in the United States or Kenya. However, for Kenyans (and most of the developing world) using that necessity is quite laborious. Girls can spend up to 10 hours a day just getting water-- this doesn't include getting firewood or cooking, or--not to mention--going to SCHOOL! These girls and women, ages ranging from 4-64, walk for miles to get this life-sustaining necessity.

Ok, well I'm not going to talk much more on the subject because you have all heard it before..and the more I talk about it, the more these girls that I know become a general "that's too bad for them." So, instead, I challenge you to spend 5 minutes watching the BH2o+ video and maybe even check out the website further. This problem of water directly affects the problem of girls going to school, so it's intertwined with my work.

Here's the link. You won't regret watching it-- it's an amazingly crafted video, from an art perspective.

If you feel like you want to get to know these people more, go to and watch the video, Portraits of Kuria, which is another amazing,short film.

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