This means "my friend" in Juba Arabic. I am learning it slowly while living with a Sudanese family for the next 2 weeks. So, now you know I have made it safely to Ikotos. I also am enjoying my time here, getting to know the culture and the language. The family that I live with, live in the "bush" in a nice compound of 3 huts and one semi-hut that is used as a sitting room. Yes, I do have sun-burn, by-the-way. Yesterday was especially hot and I was playing out in the sun with their 4 year old son, Wanni, who is my new buddy. Today, I am reaping the pain. Besides that Ikotos is very nice and the people here are friendly and happy to have me here to teach (which hasn't started yet). The mountains are foreboding, but beautiful. I will try to upload a picture this weekend. For those who are curious, there is a 7hr. difference from the east coast of the U.S. It is 3:30p.m. here and you all are just waking up!
So, when I got here, the Scotlands (Jordan and Andrea), who are the other missionary family here, informed me that I would be living with a family right away. At first, I wanted to jump back on the plane to Kampala, but after being there, I very much enjoy it. Agnes Ito is the mother (of 21 yrs. old) , Mylesh is the father, Wanni (4yrs) is the oldest, Innocent Malik Solomon (they haven't decided on a name yet, people just give their names to him, 6wks old), and there are 2 child relatives there too-- John (14yrs) and Ajiba (10yrs.). They are fun and love teaching me Juba Arabic-- especially Wanni! I went to Torit last friday, for a South Sudan retreat, to meet all the others in South Sudan, and Wanni cried the whole time that his Kewaja has left him (Kewaja=foreigner). As I walk down the streets of Ikotos I hear children pointing ans shouting "kewaja! Kewaja!" I reply "Kewaja? Kewaja tai? (you Kewaja?) and then laugh with them. It throws them off when I speak Arabic back to them. So, I am learning the language slowly and hopefully in a couple of months, will speaking fully. The Sudanese people respect kewajas much more when they are willing and trying to learn the language. There are many NGOs here to aid with development, but few get down and dirty with the people and few bother to learn the language. AIM is all about learning the language, which is good. The Scotlands have been here for about 3 yrs. and are completely fluent in Juba Arabic. They also are helping me learn. They have a 14 month old boy, Calum, who doesn't know what he wants to say first, b/c he hears 2 very different languages.
Well, that's the report for now. By the way the main news around these parts is whether or not the road to Torit is passable by car or Land Rover; and if there is a plane or helicopter that flys over or lands, even the adults stop their conversation to see if its UN or who it is that is landing-- then if it lands, the children rush to the airsrtip to marvel at the plane and the Kewajas! Also, it is Peanut season (they call it fuuhl or g-nut), which is also very exciting-- you West Virginians can understand that one, you and your apple butter festivals.
Hopefully everyone is well there!