Friday, January 5, 2007

The new year begins!

Well, the Christmas season has come and gone again. People are paying their credit card bills for all those precious gifts that I'm sure everyone loved and appreciated. riight.
I have trouble enjoying the whole Christmas spirit, in fact I tend to forget it exists for the most part because I am oblivious to the chaos, except when I walk into any Wal-mart or engage in random small talk. It is then that everyone is embracing the birth of Jesus with a swift wave of the Visa...dna dna dnaaa.... CHARGE!!! Yeah, that is exactly what God was thinking when he became flesh in the form of a vulnerable baby human. I know this all sounds soo sarcastic, but I can't help but express my feelings on the subject. Of course, its not like I didn't over spend my budget in any way (which is not hard to do)... my family would cry if I didn't buy something. However, I do not get lost in the rush. The internet is a wonderful place and so is working at a store over Christmas. click and click...I've helped women and children in Uganda and got presents for my Mom and sister. Work for two weekends at the Outfitter in Harper's Ferry and BAM!, my Dad 's presents are bought, at an employee discount. My Friends? and they have given schooling and medical care to people in developing countries. As for everyone else, while I was getting orange juice at the Grocery store, I happened upon a display of Christmas cards for buy one box get one box free. All together I probably spent an hour worrying about the consumerism side of Christmas.
Still, I had trouble focusing on the REAL part of Christmas. I don't why, but this year came and went, and left without saying hello or goodbye. It saddens me for it to be that way. I feel like, at Christmas, I should be in awe of all that God has brought to us and what Christ endured to be our sacrifice. This year, was weird. Although, there were the little things that made me think about the real Christmas. It sounds lame, but at First Baptist in Martinsburg, I received a little devotional booklet that has 30 days, and loved it! Another little thing was on Christmas day I had a dream that my Grandma was alive for a day and we talked about her childhood in Guatemala the whole time. It was a great present. How did she know that's what I was asking for for Christmas?
So, that's the end of my shpeel for now, and for all who read this, feel free to comment on this post. Maybe you feel differently, maybe you can add to my opinion.

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