Sunday, April 1, 2007

Bricks in the wall

Between pastor Ed and my friend Sonya, I have decided that the best way to describe raising my salary would be like in Nehemiah where they build the wall to the city. Each person had their own job and each person was a part of the wall construction. So, in my case, what I will need is a group of 100 people to give $50, a group of 50 people to give a $100, and 25 people to give $200. Of course, I will also be overjoyed if there are those of you who can better afford supporting me monthly. My plan is to tally off each category on this blog as it collects people so that you can follow along in the building project. Whichever category you fall under, I am so very thankful for you and I want you to know that you are a part of something bigger than a girl going on a trip. You are a part of global community. You are part of a global change.

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